- 6.118
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übernehmen keine Haftung für mögliche Schäden an eurem Gerät!
übernehmen keine Haftung für mögliche Schäden an eurem Gerät!
Ihr seid daher für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!
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PhilZ Touch 6.x Recovery
CWM Advanced Edition 6.x
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PhilZ Touch 6.x Recovery
CWM Advanced Edition 6.x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Goo.im Downloads - Browsing klte
(aktuelle Version 6.41.6)
Beschreibung, Screenshots, Flashing Hinweise (XDA) :
[12.05.2014]CWM Advanced Edition / PhilZ Touch 6.41.6 (libtouch_gui 1.21) - xda-developers
Philz Touch S5 Thread
Galaxy S5 International (kltexx --> klte)
Das Flashen der Recovery Advanced Edition ist für alle Modelle des S5 möglich, es gibt hierbei keinerlei Unterschiede,
d.h. eine Version für alle
Wer am Gerät etwas ändert, sollte auch hier bedenken,
dass Knox dann auf 0x1 triggert
und somit neue Garantiebedingungen vorzufinden sind.
(aktuelle Version 6.41.6)
Beschreibung, Screenshots, Flashing Hinweise (XDA) :
[12.05.2014]CWM Advanced Edition / PhilZ Touch 6.41.6 (libtouch_gui 1.21) - xda-developers
Philz Touch S5 Thread
Galaxy S5 International (kltexx --> klte)
Das Flashen der Recovery Advanced Edition ist für alle Modelle des S5 möglich, es gibt hierbei keinerlei Unterschiede,
d.h. eine Version für alle

Wer am Gerät etwas ändert, sollte auch hier bedenken,
dass Knox dann auf 0x1 triggert
und somit neue Garantiebedingungen vorzufinden sind.
To ALL people who help in porting device sources and give feedback for debugging
A special thank also to the below, and ALL who I do not mention but did contribute a lot with their efforts
- Koush for having created and maintaining cwm
- Cyanogenmod for making all this possible
- Tallustus from Team Skyfire for his great support over IRC: MAJOR CREDITS
- Dees_Troy from TWRP team for pigz source and many great ideas in their recovery + source for backups compatibility
- Chenglu for his unpacking tools and porting i9505: Huge credit
- kbc-developers for the base semi-touch code and much more
- Gokhanmoral@Siyah for his great job / support
- sk8erwitskil for his recovery source, a great place to start learning
- shoe63 for his help from the start across many devices
- DooMLoRD for his work and help with Sony
- [NUT] for his ports to Sony
- wanam for compiling sensors-free kernels for N71xx/i317M, i9500 and i9505 to fix boot delay for custom kernels, exfat support and much more
- dougiebee for his work on fixing time on many Qualcom devices
- ausdim for all the support in developing kernels for i9505
- dr.ketan for his precious help in porting to the N7000 & N7100 (I don't own one) and all the support in threads
- Chainfire for his support (stock recovery flash) and all his work for the Android community
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